
José Manuel García Pichel


After his PhD at the University of Santiago de Compostela, he was a post-doctoral researcher (1990-96) at the NIH ( (Bethesda, MD; USA) using knock out and Cre/lox transgenesis methodologies in mice, generating models that are still in use. He returned to the CIB ( (CSIC (, Madrid), where he focused on the study of IGFs in the lung. After being a FIS researcher (ISCIII) ( in Extremadura, in 2002 he moved to the CIC ( in Salamanca as a Ramón y Cajal Researcher. Since 2009 he is PI at CIBIR ( (Logroño), where he continues to study the involvement of IGFs in lung pathologies. He collaborates with the University of La Rioja ( in nanotheranostic applications of new photoactive materials. He is a researcher at CIBERES ( (ISCIII)( He has published numerous articles in prestigious journals and has represented Spain in international panels. He teaches Master's degree at the University of La Rioja ( and directs doctoral theses. He is a member of societies (SEBBM ( ( and SEPAR ( ( Of the SEBBM (SEBBM ( he was consul, and now he is the Treasurer.
