
Alfredo Urtubia Negueruela


Born in Logroño (Spain), Alfredo graduated in Biotechnology from the University of León (Spain), after obtaining a degree in Agricultural Technical Engineering from the University of La Rioja (Spain). He subsequently obtained a Master's degree in Systems Biology from the University of Edinburgh (UK). Since October 2018 he is a Ph.D. student at the CIBIR Lung Cancer and Respiratory Diseases Unit under the supervision of Drs. José M García Pichel and lcíar P. López, contracted by the Riojano Innovation Service (Government of La Rioja). His doctoral project deals with the involvement of insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) in respiratory diseases, mainly COPD, investigating their mechanisms of action, in search for possible therapeutic targets, as well as evaluating components of the IGF system as biomarkers in COPD.